When you make a purchase for an umbrella insurance policy, it is imperative that you understand how this type of insurance works. In and of itself, umbrella insurance does not provide any type of coverage. Instead, it provides coverage on top of the insurance you already have. For example, if you are in an auto accident and your insurance is exhausted after paying $50,000, your umbrella policy may provide an additional $50,000. Your regular insurance, however, would have to be exhausted first before your umbrella policy could be tapped into.
If you acquire money through an umbrella policy, you may be required to pay taxes on it. If a lawyer helps you get the money, you may even owe him or her money out of the funds you acquire. With an irrevocable trust, though, your money cannot be touched by anyone but you. This is why it is important to understand the difference between an umbrella policy and an irrevocable trust.
There are so many things to know about an irrevocable trust and an umbrella insurance policy. It is always of the utmost importance that you speak with a qualified insurance agent to help determine which type of policy will be best for you. Some people find that they benefit from having both types — an umbrella policy plus an irrevocable trust. Contact an agent with Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers serving the Broomfield, CO area today. We can help you determine all of your insurance needs and help you sort through the many different types of policies. It is our goal to ensure you are covered with the best insurance possible.