It’s a new year, and it doesn’t necessarily have to mean an entirely new you. It can mean just you participating in a few activities that give back to your community. You’ll feel better about yourself, and you’ll be doing something to make someone else’s life a bit better.

1. Give Blood

In the U.S., 41,000 blood donations are required each day to keep up with the demand. Keep in mind that a car accident victim may need as many as 100 pints of blood. If you’re type O or AB, your blood is even more in demand because your blood type is compatible with all others. Plus, AB or O blood is always in short supply and needed.

2. Choose a Charity

If your mom died of cancer or your grandfather had heart disease and you feel passionate about the cause, donate to it. However, you don’t have to have any affiliation with the charity’s cause. You can choose a charity and make a contribution to the cause. Cancer research always needs more funding.

3. Meals on Wheels

Not everyone is able to cook or get out to purchase groceries, meaning they’re going without nutritious meals. And oftentimes, these people have nobody to check on them regularly. Sign up for a Meals on Wheels program, and you’ll be able to provide a meal to someone who isn’t able to make it for themselves. You even have the option to sit with the person and make them feel a little less lonely.

4. Choose a Charity to Volunteer

You don’t have to give money if you’re not able to or just don’t want to. Instead, you can give your time. You’d be surprised the number of organizations who need people.

Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers gives back to the community and would enjoy an opportunity to provide you with quality insurance. Contact them today at 720-600-7470.

Car Insurance company

Road Rage is something that has become more prevalent in our society. As the motor takes on the personality of the motorist, rage spills out onto the road and the great American pastime of taking a peaceful drive is evaporating into a memory. Driving is often a necessary function in so many lives. How to get from point A to point B, how to get to work, school and play, as we advance as a nation getting around as quickly as possible is all important. Be sure to know some tips to avoid road rage.

The adrenaline rush that follows someone cutting you off or any near collision should be used to dance or sing a song of gratefulness as opposed to the obscene gesture, choice word or retaliatory measure that may originally present itself to your mind. Putting a well-placed placard with the simple word “Perspective” will work wonders. Driving is a necessity it is not an extension of yourself; it is a function that you employ to get to your employment. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. Your quick thinking, reflexes, and overall superior driving acumen popped up right at the right time. Keep those fight or flight super-charged secretions in their respective receptacles.

You can’t always avoid calamity, no matter how hard you try when knowing the tips to avoid road rage. It is good to have peace of mind in knowing that you are well insured with the quality insurance products available at Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers. Serving the great state of Colorado, the staff at Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers recognize that the added extreme weather elements inherent in our state intensifies the adrenaline since a silly maneuver added to ice, snow, sleet or rain could cost a life. We will ensure that you don’t have to worry, your investment is protected.

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Traveling abroad is filled with excitement and educational opportunities about other cultures in the world. However, you will still need to get around, and if public transportation options are out of the equation, will you be driving your car? Before you get behind the wheel in a foreign country, you need to know a few things about driving while abroad.

What Are the Licensing Requirements For Driving While Abroad?

Some countries may have requirements beyond a US driver’s license. Fortunately, you can make driving simpler by obtaining an International Driving Permit, which grants driving privileges in other countries. However, the countries may have specific age requirements, and you should check to ensure your insurance meets these requirements as well.

Does Auto Insurance Cover Driving Outside of the US?

Depending on your policy and riders, you may or may not have coverage for driving abroad. The coverage may also vary between countries. For example, having coverage in Canada does not necessarily mean you will coverage in Mexico. Be sure to check with your local insurance agent for what countries may be covered.

Will the Rental Car Be Backwards?

If you plan on renting a car abroad, make sure you know what type of car you will be driving. For example, you may need to learn how to drive a manual transmission before you depart. Also, the driver’s side of the vehicle may be on the opposite side as that of vehicles in the US. This is an important consideration, which means you will be driving on the opposite side of the road as well.

If you’re planning on leaving Westminster behind for a few days, weeks, or months, you need to get ready for driving abroad. Contact a reputable insurance agent at Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers, serving the Denver, Colorado area, to review to your auto insurance options and determine what type of coverage you may need for your international adventure.

car insurance companies

There’s a lot you need to know about hit and run insurance coverage. You want to drive around Broomfield and throughout the state with peace of mind knowing that you get into an accident, you have the necessary coverage to avoid paying out-of-pocket. A hit and run means that one of the people isn’t present when the police show up and you won’t be able to get their insurance information.

Since that person is not part of the overall process, you want to make sure that the insurance coverage you have in place can cover property damage as well as bodily injury, regardless of fault. Otherwise, you could be spending a considerable amount of money in medical bills and repairs – even enough to cause bankruptcy.

In addition to the standard policy that is required by the state, you may want to consider collision coverage. This is going to provide protection regardless of who is at fault. It will help you to make repairs to your vehicle and you will only have to pay the deductible.

Uninsured motorist coverage is also a great way to have additional coverage in the event of a hit and run. This can include property damage as well as bodily injury. The property damage will cover car repairs as well as repairs to any other properties that may have been damaged, such as streetlights. Bodily injury is going to cover medical bills and lost wages to US the driver as well as passengers.

There is also medical payments coverage, which can go above and beyond what the other forms of coverage doesn’t pay. There may still be a deductible and limits to consider, but it may be able to cover medical bills that are covered, including if you have health insurance.

Finally, you will want to consider personal injury protection. This can provide protection for medical bills, lost wages, child care, and more.

Call us at Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers today to learn more about auto insurance in Colorado and learn more about hit and run insurance coverage. We’re here to help you every step of the way, including obtaining quotes that can provide an affordable policy.

cheap car insurance

Winters everywhere are rough on automobiles, but few places see tougher winters than Denver, CO. And now, being the fall, is the best time to take action for the upcoming winter months ahead. If you plan on driving a car or truck through the winter here, make sure to  prepare your car for winter before the snow and ice comes — and make sure you properly insure it. At Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers, we can help you check your insurance coverages, and we have a few tips on fall auto maintenance.

Prepare Your Car for Winter

The snow, ice, and cold of winter are all hard on vehicles. When equipped with the right parts, though, your automobile will fare better in the foul weather. Before temperatures drop any more, make sure to:

  • put snow tires on your vehicle to improve traction on slippery roads
  • install winter wipers on your vehicle so you’ll be able to see in snowstorms
  • replace your vehicle’s battery if it’s old to ensure smooth starts in the coldest weather
  • Fill your windshield wiper fluid with a de-icer fluid for -30 degrees

Adjust Your Insurance Coverage for Winter

You may also want to adjust your auto insurance coverage for the winter season. As driving conditions worsen, the chances of being in an accident increase. In addition to driving more cautiously, you can also protect yourself by improving your insurance coverages.

If you’d like to make changes to your auto insurance coverages, contact our independent insurance agents at Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers. In just a few minutes, they can find you a policy that has the enhanced coverages you want in the winter. Come spring, when the weather becomes nicer, they can also help you change your coverages back to where they are now. Contact our insurance agents through our website, and we’ll get you safely covered for winter today.

home owners insurance

With the leaves turning and temperatures dropping, fall is here. Soon, winter will be here, and with it possible snow and ice. If you own a home in Westminister, CO,  checking your insurance when getting your home ready for winter, before inclement weather sets in is important. There are many fall home checklists that address indoor maintenance, but we at Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers wanted to draw attention to fall driveway maintenance.

Repairing Your Driveway

Over time, cracks develop in driveways. During the summer, they usually aren’t a major issue. In winter, however, water can seep into them and freeze. As water freezes, it widens the cracks. Eventually, large cracks that do pose problems will appear if you don’t address the issue when cracks are small.

Fall is a great time of year to check your driveway for cracks and have it repaired if you see any. First, it’s important to fill in or seal over small cracks before the winter weather sets in. Second, driveway repair companies are usually slower during the fall than during the summer, so you might be able to get a lower price on repairing your driveway.

Checking Your Insurance

Before you hire a driveway repair or resurface company, check your homeowners insurance to see if your repair costs are covered. Coverages vary from policy to policy. Whether the price of fixing cracks in your driveway is covered will depend on the cause of the cracks and your policy’s specific coverages.

If you’re having a hard time telling whether a repair is covered by your policy, contact us. Our independent insurance agents can help you review your policy to see what coverages you have. If your driveway isn’t fully covered, they may even be able to find you a policy that will better protect your driveway in the future. To talk with one of our agents, contact them through our website.