If you are looking to obtain health insurance, but have a pre-existing condition, you may wonder how this affects any new health insurance policy you obtain. At Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers, serving the greater Broomfield, CO area, we are often asked about pre-existing conditions. There is a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of changes that people may not be aware of. Here is some information you should know if you have pre-existing conditions and are looking to obtain health insurance.
In the past, pre-existing conditions could cause you to get denied for health insurance or cause your premiums to be extremely high. However The Affordable Care Act, also referred to as ObamaCare, precluded this. You can no longer be charged more or denied coverage for any type of pre-existing condition, including pregnancy.
While you cannot be charged more or denied health insurance based on pre-existing conditions, it is important to note that you still need to enroll in health insurance during the open enrollment period. An existing health issue is not a qualifying event for which you can qualify to obtain health insurance in the health insurance marketplace if you do not currently have health insurance. As such, be sure to enroll during the open enrollment period to ensure you are covered against both pre-existing conditions and conditions that may arise over the course of the next year.
Getting health insurance can be complicated. If you are in the market for a new policy, let a professional who knows the ins and outs of health insurance policies help. Call Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers, serving the greater Broomfield, CO area, help you with all of your health insurance needs. Contact us now to get started.
Read more blogs on health insurance from Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers.